The concept of artificial intelligence has received a lot of attention in recent years, thanks to technological advances and its expansion into everyday life. Most researchers agree that AI aims to make our everyday lives easier and more efficient. Mõelgem kasvõi nutikatele assistentidele meie taskutes nutitelefonide näol (häälkäsklused või näotuvastus), isesõitvatele autodele või hulgalistele algoritmidele Google'i otsingumootoris. Oleme harjunud sellega, et tehnoloogia aitab meil teatud igapäevaste tegevustega toime tulla. So why can't AI also help us with training activities at work? Getsmart introduces an AI-powered training video that creates new ways to create training videos quickly and conveniently. kiirelt ja mugavalt.
AI plays two main roles in the creation of training videos: visualisation (virtual avatar) and speech generation in different languages (speech synthesis).
Based on our experience, we recommend that AI training video should be considered for training needs where the emotion and feelings conveyed by the presenter are less important than the information conveyed. Therefore, AI training video is particularly suitable for example:
It is clear that artificial intelligence is an integral part of life today. AI training videos make the process of creating training videos easier and faster, while maintaining the effectiveness and engaging aspect of training videos that is important to the Getsmart team. If you feel that an AI training video has sparked your interest, please contact us to discuss further.
NB! Ask for a free video example HERE!