Our priority is to create a full understanding of customer needs and existing resources to create top-level execution.
Creating a training video is a convenient and fast process for our client, as we take care of the time-consuming and field-intensive activities.
No one likes to wait. Our projects are done quickly! On average it takes us 2-3 weeks to complete a project.
We create training videos in bite-sized format (5-8 minutes), always keeping in mind the usefulness and effectiveness of the videos for the viewer.
Creating an AI training video is a breeze! From your side is needed only the content of the training in the form of text! Videos can be created in 65+ different languages.
We used a combination of different elements (video, illustration, text, interactive blocks) to make training materials interactive and engaging.
Sometimes it's good to consult with someone. We brainstorm on various topics related to training and contribute to the company's development through customer-oriented consultations.
Video is the number 1 form of content for marketing a product or service, and its impact on consumer purchase decisions cannot be underestimated. We create captivating videos that generate a desire to purchase the product or service, even within ourselves.
It is ideal for promoting products or services on social media or delivering important messages to the target audience.
The popularity of brand videos has been growing lately due to the widespread use of social media. It provides a great opportunity to reach many people and shape the brand identity of a company.
Suvepäevad, jõulupidu, avamispidu, konverents, spordivõistlused - kõik on jäädvustamist väärt üritused. Aftermovie is an excellent way to capture emotions and promote future events.
The IT and Development Centre, Ministry of the Interior is the largest IT institution in the country, which creates and manages information systems necessary for saving lives and ensuring internal security.
LHV is the biggest domestic financial group.
Cleveron develops innovative parcel lockers and robots to streamline omnichannel initiatives and offer a seamless customer experience.
Kutseline täiskasvanute koolitaja, kellel on koolitusvaldkonnas 13+ aastat kogemust.
Stanislav makes sure that trainings have a real impact on performance and development.
Tegutsenud video ja foto valdkonnas üle 10 aasta.
Oliver makes sure that all audio-visual material is engaging and high standard.